Food is medicine. Food isn’t just calories, it’s information.
It affects everything. Your hormones, your brain chemistry, your gut microbiome. Every aspect of your health is controlled by what you are eating.
Are you upgrading your body or downgrading it with every bite?
My juice today:
🌱Org Fennel: reduces inflammation & help prevents cancer, great source of fiber, folic acid, & potassium
🌱Org Celery: fights infection—powerful antimicrobial properties that fight infections and naturally boost immunity, also goo for constipation, bloating, puffiness and water retention.
🌱Org Cucumber: highly alkalizing & hydrating (amazing for skin), has the ability to cleanse and detox the entire body, helps to alleviate digestive problems, heartburn, indigestion, & ulcers
🌱Org Ginger: improves digestion, anti inflammatory, controls high blood pressure, warms up my body during the winter
🌱Org Lemon: lots of it! I love it suppppper sour. High in vitamin c and alkalizing anti-oxidants
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